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Not just a recruitment agency

Bang The Drums is the boutique recruitment agency that helps you become better at attracting the right talent.

We start from the inside and help you define and position your brand appropriately before matching you with the perfect candidates with already-validated skills.

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What we do

Recruit the right talent for you

We provide permanent and temporary in-house staff that match your needs and company culture.

Validate each candidate's skills

We have a suite of skills-validation tests for technical roles (and use our experience working in the industry for the non-technical roles) so that you only see the right candidates.

Help define your brand & culture

We help you build your culture and employer brand from the inside so that the best talent is itching to work in your business.

Getting to know you

We take the time to meet you and really get to know you. We want to understand what puts the fire in your belly so that we know exactly which roles you’re going to love.

Bang your drum

Once we’ve aligned your talents and skill-set with the right employers, we’ll passionately promote you to them on your behalf to secure that interview.

Life-long partnership

Whether we place you or not, we’d like to stand by your side throughout your career, offering no-BS advice and guidance towards your job-nirvana.


Let’s connect

Whether you’re an employer or a job-seeker, we’d love to hear from you. Let’s chat, we’ll shout you a coffee. Or a kombucha, your choice.